.. obo: .. default-domain:: py ########## OBO parser ########## .. automodule:: pymzml.obo ****************************** Accessing specific OBO MS tags ****************************** This section describes how to access some common MS tags by their names as they are defined in the OBO file. First pymzML is imported and the run is defined. >>> example_file = get_example_file.open_example('dta_example.mzML') >>> import pymzml >>> msrun = pymzml.run.Reader(example_file) Now, we can fetch specific imformations from the spectrum object. MS level: >>> for spectrum in msrun: ... print(spectrum['ms level']) Total Ion current: >>> for spectrum in msrun: ... print(spectrum['total ion current']) Furthermore we can also check for presence of parameters, therefore the proprties of the spectrum. Differentiation of e.g. HCD and CID fractionation: >>> for spectrum in msrun: ... if spctrum['ms level'] == 2: ... if 'collision-induced dissociation' in spectrum.keys(): ... print('Spectrum {0} is a CID spectrum'.format(spectrum['id'])) ... elif 'high-energy collision-induced dissociation' in spectrum.keys(): ... print('Spectrum {0} is a HCD spectrum'.format(spectrum['id']))